Tanglewood Nursery School





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Tapestry - Your child's online Learning Journal

All children will have an online Learning Journal known as Tapestry. This is a celebration of their achievements during their time at Tanglewood Nursery School.

Parents Voice

We would like you to be involved in your child's Learning Journal and would appreciate and welcome your comments and observations about your child, for example, what they are doing at home, or their current interests. Your thoughts, photos and observations can be added straight into the online journal. 

Click here to log into your account.  -    Tapestry Log In  (The email with your log in details will have been sent when your child started and will probably have gone into your junk box)

It will contain written observations, photographs, samples of drawing, writing, art work and documents their experiences, skills, interests and progress within the seven areas of learning identified in the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.

These are:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED): Helps develop children's social skills and attitudes. Children learn to play together by sharing, co-operating, taking turns and considering each other in tasks.
  • Communication and Language (CL): Children are encouraged to develop their attention, listening and understanding and to communicate with one another and adults. They will develop their thinking skills by talking through what they are doing and why, and exploring their thoughts and ideas.
  • Physical Development (PD): Activities that help children to develop practise and improve their fine-motor skills that help them with writing, cutting, modelling and using tools and equipment; and their gross motor skills through jumping, balancing, throwing, catching and climbing. Children are encouraged to make safe and healthy choices to develop independence and self-care skills. 
  • Literacy (L); Children learn to listen carefully and enjoy a range of stories and rhymes, and talk about books with others. Opportunities are available for children to develop their writing skills in different contexts and using a variety of tools such as pens, pencils and brushes.
  • Maths (M); Opportunities for children to count, calculate, sort, match, and make patterns, recognise shapes, describe position and give them some early practical experience of measuring weigh, length and time.
  • Understanding the world (UW); Opportunities for children to have first-hand experiences of technology and computers, science, history, geography, cultures and communities that encourage exploration, conservation, problem solving, prediction and questioning.
  • Expressive Arts and Design (EAD); Includes art, music, dance, role play an d imaginative play and helps children become confident in using all of their senses to explore and express themselves in different ways in a stimulating environment.